
Sea-Teacher’s Day 18 (Meet Principal of RCI - Teaching Assist Only)

Tuesday, February 6, 2018.

We go to Roosevelt at the morning to meet The Principal. Because we haven't meet yet. 

With the Principal and Dean of Education.
After that Ma'am Dena bring us to take breakfast at Starbucks cafe.

Tuna sandwich and Caramel Macchiato for breakfast.
Ami and I have class at 2 p.m. So we just wait in Roosevelt, and making our lesson plan.

Making lesson plan.

In Sta. Elena High School..
I don’t teach because of the students have ISLA (Intensified Student Learning Assessment).
It is like a test for checking whether the students still remember the lesson that they learned last year. The test given as a multiple choices. There are 20 items.
I just give the instruction for the three other sections by following how Ma’am Eisse (my CT) did for 8-Pili. I told them the correction item, we discuss the answer and the last I have to record the score by call their name one by one in front of the class. It is the first time I will call their name. I found some of name are difficult to pronounce. So I just ask student how to pronounce that. The students will laugh when I call a name that sounds weird because of my accent. But it is fun and I think it is a challenge for me. And also Ma’am Eisse want me to give the score for their name plate as a recitation. They made it creatively.

About my final demonstration, we already plan for Tuesday. Ma’am Eisse wants me to watch her first in teaching the topic first. And for tomorrow she wants me to make a quiz about hinge theorem.
But suddenly at the evening I got the email from Ma'am Dena. That is about online meeting with SEAMEO on Wednesday afternoon.
I ask permission from my CT for absent tomorrow. It change our plan. My CT worry about me. She thinks about my final demonstration and how many days that I have for prepare and practice about it.
We make a deal that I will give the lesson plan on Thursday. She gives me suggestion for choose just a simple topic for final demo.

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